Canvas for Students: Turnitin Guide

How-To Background Header

Turnitin is an originality-checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying. When you submit your paper, Turnitin compares it to text in its massive database of student work, websites, books, articles, etc.

Before Submitting to Turnitin

Check that your submission file meets Turnitin requirements. Files must have a file extension (.docx, .pdf, etc., depending on settings in individual assignment). Review File Requirements for specific information.

Submitting to Turnitin

Assignments with Turnitin enabled may accept text or file submissions or both. After successfully submitting to Turnitin, you can download your digital receipt. See the following resources for more information:

The Similarity Report

If your instructor has allowed you to see your similarity report, you can click the score to view the report. Note that if resubmitting assignments is allowed, you must wait 24 hours for the new similarity report to appear. See the following student resources for more information:


Turnitin must be allowed to add a cookie to your browser settings. Safari has a known issue of blocking cookies with its default setting. Google "Allowing Cookies in [your browser name]" for precise steps.